Blinken Borgs/en
Farb Borg 3d
5x5x5 RGB-LEDs, individually controlled in a cube of aprox. 25x25x25 cm. Shows soft color transitions. At the moment it is controlled by a FPGA driver board, which controls a 75x5 matrix.
Pocketlights aka GameboyBorg
144 flat surface-LEDs in a 18x8 format (original Blinkenlights) built into a defective Gameboy case. A ATmega32 controls animations, (soon) loads Blinkenlights movies (.blm) from a MMC card and reacts to the 8 buttons. The On/Off switch is inherited from the original, as well as the power plug. Also works on batteries. Longer description and pictures to follow ...
Borg 3D
Martin's Borg3d/en is a wire grid consisting of 8x8x8 red LEDs wired up in a way, that every diode can be controlled individually. There are a hell lot of small animations as well as one game (Pong 3D) running on that cube.
Bilder vom 22C3: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] [9],
Bilder vom 22C3: [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16]
Peter's 8x8 Borg
After the first Microcontroller Workshop we were looking for ways to beautify the Labor with our brand new Laborboards. Peter came up with the glorious idea to create a 8 times 8 display of low voltage light bulbs, screwed to a wooden board. No sooner said than done, in almost no time the first Borg emerged.
André's 16x16 Borgs
64 LED were not enough for André, so he built a new Borg out of 256 small yellow LED.
Later he built a almost identical Borg out ultra-bright 10 mm LEDs
Ticker Borg
In the end, there is the Ticker Borg: It once was one of these ready-made LED tickers. We ripped out the control unit and replaced it by modified Laborboard with CAN connectivity. The ticker serves for displaying menues and operational states in our room automatization projekt
For this Borg we developed a special animation language called BorgTextAnim to display ticker text.nim]].
See the Borgs in action
- Borg3D, Ur-Borg, Ticker Borg (XVID AVI)
- Borg3D
- The incredible Borg3D color (short trailer) 8,4 MB
- The incredible Borg3D color 22 MB
To develop animations also without a Borg at hand, Martin wrote a GLUT-OpenGL simulator for Andrés 2D Borg and his own Borg 3D. The sources can be compiled under Linux and MacOS X. Needed: GNU make, gcc toolchain and an implementation of the GLUT API (e.g. freeglut).
Find the current source code in the Subversion. Check it out with:
svn co bzw. svn co