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Problem[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

You got a brilliant idea and want to create a new project.
For example an Ethernet mp3 player.
You need:

  • a touchscreen
  • a keyboard
  • an amplifier
  • flash storage
  • mp3 decoder
  • network card
    For each hardware, you have to know the bus specification (bus width, controller, timings, commands, ...). If you need the hardware for another project you have to create a new layout, that cost time and money.

    Idea[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

    Using a modular PC like environment.
    Instead of using a single controller chip, I'm gonna use multiple small "slave"-chips that are connected to a "master"-chip.


  • modular
  • easy: no need to know what hardware, interface, controller, timings are connected to the slave, just give it the orders
  • fast project setup
  • limited by busspeed (possible up to 1Mbit/s)
  • multiple devices, multiple errorsources

    Concept[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

    Using the TWI-Interface (i2c) to connect all chips.
    Every chip reports the master it abilities.
    Multiple layers for maximum overview and compatibility.

    |--Slave 1
    |    |--LCD
    |    |--keyboard
    |--Slave 2
    |    |--mouse
    |--Slave 3
    |    |--network interface
    |--Slave n
        |--hardware x