Aus LaborWiki
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Was ich so mache:
- Ich bastele momentan an Robotern, siehe unten
- Ich programmiere manchmal Animationen für die Borgs
- Alle farbigen Borgs haben Plasmaeffekte von mir :-)
- Ich habe an der rfm12lib, dem rfm12usb und dem rfm12 Bootloader mitgebastelt.. ausserdem benutze ich rfm12s in meinen Projekten
- Ich bringe Design in das Wiki!
- Ich habe schon mal ein Kind gelötet...
- Manchmal helfe ich bei der Labortage Orga
Why Free Software usability tends to suck
Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors
Java: how not to make a mess of stream handling
A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux
Die Welt der Pirahã-Indianer: Ein Leben ohne Angst und Sorgen
- HAP Version 0
Ein Protokoll zur Hausautomatisierung
Mein(e) Robo(s)
Rechts sieht man mein aktuelles Roboterprojekt, den Shr0dBot.
Vielen Dank an Mati für das Foto!
Kunst im Lab
Das habe ich mal gemalt, als ich die bunte Kreide fand.
==== MOTORCTRL ATMEGA8 PIN CONFIGURATION ==== Names in () are or were planned. Pins marked with [in] are inputs, whilst the ones marked with [out] are outputs. All other pins make use of their respective special function(s). ** GENERIC XTAL1,2 - 16MHZ, no capacitors VCC, AVCC - +5V, 100nF GND - COMMON GROUND ** PORT B 0 - VACCUUM CLEANER DRIVE ON/OFF [out] 1 - PWM MOTOR 1 [OC1A] 2 - ISP [SPI SS], PWM MOTOR 2 [OC1B] 3 - ISP [SPI MOSI], WHEEL/MOTOR 1 LIFTOFF DETECTOR [in, int. pullup] 4 - ISP [SPI MISO], WHEEL/MOTOR 2 LIFTOFF DETECTOR [in, int. pullup] 5 - ISP [SPI SCK], FRONT LIFTOFF DETECTOR [in, int. pullup] 6 - XTAL1 7 - XTAL2 ** PORT C 0 - BATTERY POWER DIVIDER (1nF load) [ADC0] 1 - MOTOR 1 CURRENT MEASUREMENT (capacitive load?) [ADC1] 2 - MOTOR 2 CURRENT MEASUREMENT (capacitive load?) [ADC2] 3 - ACCU LOADER ON/OFF [out] 4 - TWI SLAVE [SDA] 5 - TWI SLAVE [SCL] 6 - RESET ** PORT D 0 - MOTOR 2 FORWARD [out] 1 - MOTOR 2 REVERSE [out] 2 - ENCODER A [in] 3 - ENCODER B [in] 4 - MOTOR 1 FORWARD [out] 5 - MOTOR 1 REVERSE [out] 6 - BRUSH DRIVE 1 ON/OFF [out] 7 - BRUSH DRIVE 2 ON/OFF [out] ** FREE PD6, PD7 ==== MOTORCTRL MISC STUFF ==== * Encoder IR-Diodes 1k ?? (re-evaluate) * How to connect phototransistors? I can remeber they had 1k resistors on em. (See on orig. board) * Use 1/8th Voltage divider (14.4 / 8 = 1.6V -> 12 cells * 1.5V max = 18V -> 18/8 = 2,25V) * Use logic level fets for vacuum and brush motor turnon/off * Reverse engineer loader circuit, reuse relais if it could cut loader power * Use L6202 motor driver ICs * Motor current: ** Blocked motor draws max. ~800mA ** Normal operation ~350mA ** 0.1 ohm current sense resistors ** Max ~80mV sense voltage ** ~35mV in normal operation ** 25 times amplification to use with adc @ 2.56V internal reference ** Use lm358 opamp * What do the two diodes @ current sense / gnd do? * atmega input with pullup -> encoder phototransistors -> 4,7k -> gnd They used: * L289 for motor control * 14.4V motor power * LM2565T switching power supply for logic * IR-led + phototransistor for encoders ** 14.4V+1K for leds ** ~2.3V / 11mA for leds ** Try 220ohm @ 5V (should be around 12-13mA) ** Phototransistors are pulled up by 10k or something (one has 10k, one has something else) ==== MAINBOARD SPECS ==== * Use the fat 128k flash / 16k ram 40pin DIP Atmega * Probably use a switched power supply -> ask peter for that chip * Think of creative use for the big fat atmel * Use rfm12
Hansinator's MotorCTRL Board
- Both L6202 are correctly connected to motor and atmega
- Need a solutin for current sensing
svn notizen
ask drago, asklepios about this branch/fork ./src-atmel/playground/PowerCommander/ someday this needs to be patched to use crc and stuff, as in trunk ./src-atmel/automatization2.0/cand/branch/usb_support/ ask sören about branch ./src-host/src/cand-ucspi_tcp/config.h:8:#define UART_HOST ask peter which source is for moodbar (src-atmel/theke or src-atmel/moodbar) ask madex if winamp plugins may be deleted
bash the sources # grep for stuff grep -Hirn UART_HOST . | grep config | grep -v svn > uarthost.txt # print all files in uarthost.txt (grep output) for i in $( gawk -F : '{ print $1 }' uarthost.txt ); do echo $i; done # remove all occurences of uart host define in files for i in $( gawk -F : '{ print $1 }' uarthost.txt ); do sed -e '/#define UART_HOST/d' < $i > $; done for i in $( gawk -F : '{ print $1 }' uarthost.txt ); do mv $ $i; done # revert files... for i in $( gawk -F : '{ print $1 }' uarthost.txt ); do svn revert $i; done