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Eine Vektorablenkeinheit um mit einem Laser zu Projizieren


ein Mensch


Nunchuk ergänzt um ein Display und CAN, um diverse Sachen im Labor zu steuern


Ein einfacher algebraischer Termumformer


projector using laser and 2 mirrors for deflection

Logo tpm.png

Tutorial zu FDE with TPM support


Zur Anwendung in Tests in Ruby: Methoden für die Laufzeit eines Tests neu definieren


Module for dimming high power LEDs


Stereo Preamp mit Volume Regler

Dongleextension principle.png

A USB dongle to keep your secrets


This is a test project info box with all parameters filled in, the release status set to stable and having a wiki username along with the author name., This box tests the beta state, tests autosetting of the name parameter and omits some optional parameters. This also demoes using a wiki username instead of the author name., This box tests the experimental state. It also omits some of the optional parameters, to test if that works., This box tests an unset project status to show how the box behaves and looks like for unknown states. It also omits some of the optional parameters, to test if that works.